About Wakarimu Sacco Society

wakarimu building a sky scraper

Wakarimu creed

I Pledge
My Loyalty to the members of WAKARIMU SACCO
My Readiness and duty to serve the society
My Devotion to the objectives of WAKARIMU SACCO
My financial and moral contribution to the prosperity of WAKARIMU SACCO

In the living spirit of team work. Embodied in the Cooperative principles and perpetuated in the philosophy ofEquality,respect for human dignity,transparencyandAccountability


"...To promote WAKARIMU SACCO and its activities so as to enhance economic and social-political interest of memebers in accordance with cooperative principles WAKARIMU SACCO CREED"


"..Financial Stability through service provider of members' needs..."

The values

In addition to cooperative values, WAKARIMU SACCO embraces the value of:Self respect, Honesty and Integrity

Equality, Openness, solidarity and duty to Corporate Social responsibility



Head Office

Lydia Arcade Building 1st Floor, Rm 124 Nakuru


Branch Office

GPACK Building Next To G4s Office - Molo


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